The Baroque of Noto

The Val di Noto in Sicily

Cathedral of Noto / © photo: samuele castiglione
The Baroque of Noto / © photo: samuele castiglione

Cantunéra Rooms

Noto & Il Val di Noto

“Noto is one of the most beautifully built cities in Europe: this small remote location emerges in the memory like Würzburg or Nymphenburg, as one of the most refined results of the age that produced Mozart and Tiepolo”

in John J. Ide, Noto – the Perfect Baroque City (1958)

The city of Noto was included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in 2002. Noto and the Val di Noto remain essential stops for those who want to visit Sicily and its beauties.

“one of the most beautifully built cities in Europe”

The streets of the city are interspersed with spectacular squares and imposing stairways that connect terraces and slopes. The unitary reconstruction produced a coherent urban fabric rich in architectural episodes.

Il Barocco di Noto / © photo: samuele castiglione

The Baroque of Noto / © photo: samuele castiglione

Cantunéra Rooms / Our Rooms

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Vico Martora, 1, 96017 Noto SR

[0039] 389 041 66 86


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